✍️MetaChat Weekly Recap-04/29/2023

All of our Twitter AI bot events have come to an incredible end! Long live the MC community!

3 min readMay 1, 2023

👏GM, Պ fams!

Welcome back to the Weekly Newsletter of MetaChat, a Web3 intelligent messaging protocol for next-gen social communication powered by blockchain and AI.

📢TL;DR: We’re pleased to announce that all of the Twitter AI bot events — ‘Message as an AIGC NFT,’ ‘Teleport Me to Another World,’ and ‘MetaChat AI Idol Producer’- have officially ended!

We had a blast going through all the entries! Well done, everyone!

Let’s roll out the details!!

🚩First, Time to Reflect on Our Fun-filled Events and Announce All the Lucky Winners!

Although our Metabot@TW campaign has sadly reached the finish line, we’re still extremely excited about what everyone has achieved in a series of events. We had over 100,000 total views, created a massive prize pool of $5,000 USDT and 3,000 SVP with our partners, attracted 3,000+ participants, and generated 600+ #AIGC NFTs!

We want to thank everyone for everything you’ve done to support us and all the amazing artwork you’ve contributed to the community! Here is a collection of all of the showcases on Twitter!

We‘ve announced the winners of all events, including collaborative giveaways with Midaswap and Bit islands, who provided additional prize pools for our Պ events.

Congratulations to the winners, and a big thank you to everyone who joined us on our journey to bring the power of AI to the world!

📢Second, the First-ever AMA Hosted by Us on Twitter Space!

On the 26th of April at 1 pm, we invited our special guests @xplusio, @andylibraz, @PublicAI_, @0xpenny_web3, @Gameta_Official, @Ascendant_astro, @stgregoreth, @AINexusOfficial, and @yummmycrypotato to our AMA and discussed how AI would reshape our identities.

More than 500 hundred people tuned in to both the first half and the second half of the session as we gave a recap of our ‘MetaChat AI Idol Producer’ event. Unfortunately, the live AMA was interrupted by some technical problems in the first half. We apologize for the inconvenience caused and will make sure it doesn’t happen again.

Catch the replay

🎉Third, a #Collaboration #Giveaway with Daren Market!

We collaborated with Daren Market, the world’s first on-chain Web3 market, to give away 20 MetaChat SVP and five #Freemint Daren Market #NFT whitelists. We hope you’re one of the lucky winners, and don’t forget to check out our store on their marketplace: https://daren.market/store/nrlRWLpdDJpEx6Nj?name=MetaChat!

🙌That’s pretty much of it! We hope you have a fantastic rest of the weekend!Պ




MetaChat is a Web3 Intelligent Messaging protocol built on a unified social network. Website: https://metachat.network/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/0xMetaChat